Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Buffy, again

With the snow days on the weekend I needed something to do. I'm not a winter person so going out to play in all that disgusting white stuffwasn't really an option. Plus it was way too cold and blowy. Buffy to the rescue. I never get tired of watching that show. When I writeI like to have something on in the background, something I've seen and don't have to pay attention to. I need noise or I can't concentrate on the story. Weird, I know, but there it is. Anyway, I popped in then end of Season 4. I had started re-watching it months ago and hadn't finished.Then popped in Season 5. Except, I was paying attention. You have to when it's Buffy. Is it just me, or can you discover something new eachtime you watch it? Joss Whedon is a genius in my opinion. I wish he would write more.

So tonight when I start working on the book I'll have to put something else on. And save Buffy for the weekend when I can take a break from thebook.


1 comment:

book publishers said...

I Love Buffy! Cool post.